Hi. You can call me Fangtype or simply Fang. This is an anonymous journal I've decided to start up. I'm trying to develop healthier coping skills and I've found writing to be very cathartic lately. I like knowing that people are reading and listening, but the format of social medias, even blogging ones like Tumblr, just don't feel right for what I want to do. So, here.
This isn't an ARG or an unfiction project or anything like that. It's a genuine artistic method of letting off some steam or confronting whatever inner turmoil is going on within me at any given moment. It'll be edgy. I will not give individual content warnings for posts/pages, so as a general rule, this site will likely contain discussions and/or depictions of the following:
- mental illness/disability
- addiction (drugs and otherwise)
- self harm
- suicide
- death, violence, abuse, and stalking
- bigotry
- sexuality and fetishes
As such, I recommend all readers be 18+, but I'm not your dad. There won't be porn or gore on here anyways.

Like I said, this is an anonymous journal. I don't go by this name anywhere else. Still, if by some miracle you recognize me, I just ask that you be considerate and protect my privacy. Thank you. Enjoy.